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Professional Standards

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Professional Values and Attributes 

Prezi Link

The reflective Journal will discuss what my key strengths were within lessons and taught sessions. You can also see my trainee progress throughout the course as it starts from the beginning and will hav at least two reflections a week up until the 12th May. We can also compare the lesson plans from the top to the bottom as they are in order of the beginning of my placement to the end. 
I have added Prezi links into this section as i can look back on what worked within these slides and what didnt. 


Throughout the course i will be writing in my reflective journal and evaluating my days. These reflections will include some challenging days and also the values and beliefs. For example writing about a student who chose to perform as a drag artist in their Variety performance. Lesson plans will change constantly to overcome these challenges. 
The BKSB certificates show what i find challenging in English and Maths and the lesson plans will show input of english and maths. Therefore i will be challenged within these subjects but also overcoming them. 


In my students work there will be evaluations that are included which will discuss how myself and their other mentor has inspired and motivated them. The footage shows a visual example of how we have raised aspirations as they are physically showing what they  have learnt through us. Whether it is acting, singing or dance. The lesson plans show what has been involved within their classes. The use of resources can show my enthusiasm and knowledge. 


My prezi slides are showing how creative i can be as i include videos, games, pictures etc. My lesson plans are highlighting everything what i do within the sessions. Therefore they will mention ways i am being creative and how they are helping the learners. I have added the specilist conference page within this section as you can see my created resource and my adapted resource that was used within the exhibition. 


Group Profile

Need to check before uploading this document 

The group profile can show the diversity within the class i teach as you can see there are less boys than girls, some with SEND and also mature students. My observations show feedback how to overcome these problems and they may highlight key strengths how i value and promote them.


The emails show conversation between myself and other staff members within the subject area. The meetings with my mentor show that we are communicating frequently and the tutorials show i am also communicating more with my tutors. Therefore i am building relationships with staff members within Darlington College. The vpa meeting shows how included the area manager see's me within the programme.

Professional Knowledge & Understanding 


Comparing my Action plans throughout this course we will notice how i am maintaining and updating my subject knowledge as i have set myself goals to reach. My reflections may also discuss how i will update my subject knowledge or discuss new topics i have learnt within sessions. 


The assignments show that i am updating my knowledge of educational research and that i am developing it. The reflections will discuss what i have learnt within my PGCE lessons and the conference page will show useful resources that i have learnt that links to developing my educational knowledge. 


Group Profile

Need to check before uploading this document 

The group profile is there to let me understand what students i have to teach and the scheme of work gives me a organised plan or what teaching i need to include for the students to get the best knowledge. My lesson plans show my effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment opportunitys and whatever research i have included up update my subject knowledge. My observation feedback is there to highlight my strenghts and weaknesses as my tutors and mentors are the ones who are visually watching me teach and can see if i show the theoratical understanding of practice. 


My reflective journal can discuss the days when i observe teachers and my peers. They state what i think about their sessions. My documents of observations highlight kep points of their teaching and help me assess their impact on learning. 


Section 3, Observation Records

Sections in the observation records will state how well my behavior management technique is. 
Some reflections will also state some behaviour management techniques and issues. 


The assignments are there to show evidence of how i understand the roles and responsibilitys of a teacher as i would be looking at research and references from different practitioners 

Professional Skills 


My prezi slides are made to motivate my students as i have been creative with them and used resources that can grab focus and attention from my students. My lesson plans also show the resources i have used to motivate my students. My employability lessons will help students develop their skills so they are able to progress when they have finished college. (Employability starts 26th Feb)


Link to AJ workshop web link. 

Employability begins wc 22nd 
lesson plans will be inputted after this date.

Safeguarding Evidence

The AJ link shows the various workshops that we can deliver to different learners. Safeguarding/code of conduct shows that we have to teach in a safe and inclusive enviroment. My reflections will discuss about any diverse groups or individuals in the safe and inclusive enviroment in different sections. 


The lesson plans show how i have embedded IT into the sessions. It will also show that i use the iboard as a resource in most of my sessions so i can present a prezi slide. 


Also showing in my lesson plans how i embed English and Numeracy within my sessions. 


Out students normally get given individual or group tasks that involve being physical. The footage of our students work shows them working individually or in a group putting a task together. The lesson plan will state when they have done this. 


My students usually get given the same task to devise but normally in two seperate groups so we can see two different performances. We have caught these on footage to be assessed. As performing arts is a practical subject we tend to use video footage to capture their work. Lesson plans state what task they have been given. 


My meetings with my mentor will keep me up to date with my teaching and training as we both discuss how things are goiong and what needs improving. You could find these suggestions in my mentor observations. VPA meetings also keep me up to date with any teaching and learning we need to input within our sessions. 


I have organised a few workshops/masterclasses for our performing arts students to be involved in. These are so they can learn new techniques and skills from professional performers that work within the industry. My reflective Journals will discuss about these classes and may include photo evidence such as the class with Tom. 

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