We were given four different types of journals to show which type was a good example to use for our own reflective journals. The examples were about the same topic – a lady passing in a park and noticing a child looking unwell. I did not understand most of the examples as they came across as a diary. It turns out this is the best way to write a reflective journal.
Today was the day we started out next assignment which was to put together a group presentation on a chosen teaching strategy. We used the lollipop group method to split the class into groups of five or six to then pick a teaching strategy out of an envelope. The strategy our group chose was Cognitive. At first we were not sure if this was going to be an easy strategy for our presentation but looking back at our notes we realised that we had already gone over this strategy. We then decided to group together and go through the work sheet that we were given and work out which sections we should research individually. We researched in our own time. I had the dates where this strategy originated from. I was happy with this section at the time but when it came to research it, it was hard as many different theorists came up with different dates.