In today’s session with the performing arts students we all had the lesson in the LRC so the students can catch up with assignments that are due in this Friday. It mine and Mattie’s job to make sure they grasped the idea of what they need to do for their assignments. Some students were getting distracted by others and looking at clips on you tube, as they had their head phones with them. As the students were not all sat together we both found it hard to keep an eye on both groups to make sure they were doing their work. Myself and my mentor then attended a meeting with our area manager. This was to discuss any problems that have occurred throughout the course to this date. As I am a student teacher as well as a V100 staff member I did not put in any input towards this meeting as I still do not understand the way things work for the course. Throughout the meeting it seemed that things were complicated as it is a brand new course. I was told that lesson days have been swopped around, units have been changed last minute and the order or units have been changed as a report mentioned that a particular unit was introduced to early as it is a more difficult unit.