Our first session back consisted of discusing any problems or issues that we are worrying about with our work, any issues out tutors wanted to talk to us about and talking through what sections are needed when handing in our portfolio.
My concern about my work at the moment would be my observations as i have only had one and our deadline is this week to have had four observations. I was able to disuss this issue with my tutor at the end of the day and she was able to extend the deadline for next week which is a relief.
At the beginning of this session it seemed to have a good organised structure to follow but further through it seemed that other students where concerned about other issues, we discussed any problems or positive experiences that had happened last week. These conversations sometimes set the session of track so it seems that we do not follow what is being spoke about.
I started to over think things and could not follow with the timetable of the work that is due.
We also went through the sections that are needed to be completed when we hand in the 12th of february. At the beginning i could follow easily but after some questions what other students were asking it seemed to take us off topic and cause confusing with myself and some other students.