Today was our presentation day to present how we feel about technology within our specialist subject. Myself and another student who has the same specialist subject argued that technology is not used within our course as there is a seperate course to help with lighting and sound. We find that people seem to think that "performing arts" has a lot to do with technology but yet we are trying to let people know that "production arts" is the course that deals with the technology within productions. This is why we chose technology for our presentation to show how small technology is used and how hard it is to incorportate teaching technology within this subject. An example we used it that throughout our sessions sometimes we may ask a student to help stop and play a piece of music - This is not teaching our students how to use technology. Filiming - Live and recorded Media course Microphones - Sound, therefore Production Arts deals with microphones unless our performing arts students are switching the microphones on and off. Even then performing arts get told not to do this unless told to do so by a production arts student or staff member. Spotlight- The spotlight maybe on the performing arts student but a production arts student is the one that is opertating the equipment.
I could go on with examples of how production arts are important when it comes to the technology side of performing arts. When i try to incorportate technology i do this by using video clips of other performances, recording my students when they need to be observed and also use of a iboard touch when discuing aims and objectives.