As i was meant to be teaching employability today i arrived at the college at 8:30 to prepare for the lesson to start at 9:00am. I walked into the college to see that two of my students were sat near reception as if they were waiting to go onto the bus for hurworth. I then walked into the staff room to see that my mentor was not there but the production arts teacher was and asked if i had his students for employability to be told no. I couldnt help but feel irritaed as i was looking forward to teaching this subject and that i have drove from Middlesbrough to Darlington. On the plus side i used this time at the college to observe one of my peers which also lead me to observe her mentor so i could use it as an observation of a experienced teacher. The specialist subject that my peer and mentor teach is uniform public services. It was unusual to see how disciplined these students were but i also expected them to be because of the subject. I always compare this subject to my subject as in the real world you need to have this disciplined attitude and respect your team leaders or else you would be kicked out. I spoke to the experienced teacher of how i thought and he has invited my students to observed his in the gym to see how disciplined they actually are. I am hoping that the my students will realise how much respect and disciplin they need for their chosen subject.
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Hayley Thompson
Professional Graduate Certificate in Education: Education and Training
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