This will be the last time I will be reflecting on writing about starting a essay. This is because it is the final one ! For this essay we will be reflecting on our practice as a teacher. This means I will be discussing about the theories, strategies and techniques that I have or will be using, which we have learnt from within our PGCE sessions.
I will be referencing from my ILP to show evidence that these techniques have been used. As well as this I will discuss what I have picked up from my peers and what input I have put in for my peers to learn.
I am confused about this essay as I am not sure how to reference from my ILP. As it is an online portfolio I suppose I can use the web link to reference from?
I am relieved that this is the last essay as I know my weaknesses on this course has been completing theory work. This is because I would class myself as a kinaesthetic learner. Therefore I learn by doing and find teaching easier, especially when I teach performing arts to a load of kinaesthetic learners.