Today was the first rehearsal of "We Will Rock You". To begin the rehearsal we had a read through of the full script. We did this so we know that all of the students have a better understanding of this production. Unfortunately we did have some students missing and these students have the lead roles. As myself and my mentor were team teaching within this session we decided to read the parts ourselves. This was a great way to show the students how we would imagine these characters. Therefore we read them out as if we were performing to an audience. When we were reading these lines our students did focus a lot and we had a lot of laughs. As the students were focused when it was our turn to read it was a great way to show an example of accents, projection and facial expression.
After myself and my mentor had read lines students seemed to make more of an effort with theirs. This was fantastic to see and we made a point that if they keep this energy and focus up throughout the rehearsals, they production will be at a professional standards.
I am very proud of our students as they have made great progress from the beginning of the year to the end.